Replace Sinema

Explosive Book Excerpts Give Glimpses Into Sinema’s Behavior in Closed Door Fundraisers and Meetings: She Disrespects Biden and Praises Andy Biggs 

Also: Sinema Was The First-Ever Lawmaker of Either Party To Fight With White House Staff About Wearing a Mask When Meeting With the Presiden
Today, excerpts from the new book “This Will Not Pass” by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns provide glimpses into Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s behavior behind closed doors. 

Here’s what we learned so far, via Axios : 
– Sinema was “the first-ever lawmaker to argue with White House aides when they asked her to wear a face mask in the company of the president, repeatedly asking why that was necessary when she had been vaccinated.”
– Sinema “discouraged” President Biden from visiting Arizona after passage of the Covid-19 relief package. 
– At a closed door fundraiser attended primarily by Republican lobbyists, Sinema “mocked” President Biden. 
– At the same fundraiser, Sinema praised Republicans including Kevin McCarthy and Andy Biggs. “I love Andy Biggs,” she said.  “I know some people think he’s crazy, but that’s just because they don’t know him.” Biggs, of course, is a promoter of Donald Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 Election and has claimed that Antifa and Black Lives Matter were behind the January 6th Capitol insurrection. 
– Sinema portrayed herself as “anti-government” and “anti-tax” and she said other Senate Democrats were “hiding behind my skirt.”

Statement from the Primary Sinema Project:
“Just when we think Sinema’s sunk to new lows, there’s another headline. Her disrespect of President Biden is rivaled only by her disrespect of her own constituents. Arizona deserves better.” 
About The Primary Sinema Project

The Primary Sinema Project, a project of Change for Arizona 2024 PAC, is an effort dedicated to laying the groundwork for a 2024 primary challenge to Senator Sinema. Instead of fighting for the key Democratic priorities that are needed to fix our democracy, as well as President Biden’s widely popular American jobs and families agenda, Sinema has used her power as a United States Senator to block progress and empower Mitch McConnell at President Biden’s expense. Arizonans deserve better. The money raised through the project will go to support grassroots groups on the ground in Arizona who are leading the fight to hold Sinema accountable.

More information about the campaign can be found at:

Paid for by Change for Arizona 2024 PAC