Replace Sinema

STATEMENT: The State of Our Union is Weaker Because of Kyrsten Sinema

Biden Should Be Taking a Victory Lap for Build Back Better and Voting Rights, But Can’t Because of Sinema
Ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address tonight, the Primary Sinema Project issued the following statement: 

“President Biden has a lot to discuss in his first State of the Union address tonight, including the developments in Ukraine, his historic Supreme Court nomination, and moving the country past Covid-19. He should also be taking a victory lap for passing landmark voting rights legislation and his signature Build Back Better agenda — including paid family leave, affordable childcare, universal preschool, lower drug prices, and more. But he won’t get to take credit for any of that – because Kyrsten Sinema blocked it.

“Sinema sabotaged the first year of Biden’s presidency — and in doing so, she’s blocked the priorities that Arizonans need most, and she’s undermined the entire Democratic Party’s political standing. The one accomplishment of Biden’s that Sinema takes credit for — infrastructure investment — would have been even more robust if not for Sinema’s role in negotiating it down. Sinema has hurt her constituents, her party, her president, and her country. The State of our Union is weaker because of Kyrsten Sinema.” 

Paid for by Change for Arizona 2024 PAC