Replace Sinema


Sinema’s strategy includes courting Republican voters to win

Yesterday, NBC reported on a never-before-seen two-page prospectus Kyrsten Sinema is quietly sharing with donors that lays out a potential path for victory. Notably, Sinema’s strategy includes relying on “10% to 20% of Democrats, 60% to 70% of independents and 25% to 35% of Republicans.”

See some of the coverage below:

NBC News: Kyrsten Sinema pitches donors on a ‘path to victory’ in Arizona by courting Republicans
Sahil Kapur

Arizona Republic: New memo details how Sen. Kyrsten Sinema expects to win reelection in 2024
Ron Hansen

Axios: Kyrsten Sinema betting big on independent vote, donor pitch shows
Hans Nichols

Daily Caller: Kyrsten Sinema Lays Out Unorthodox ‘Path To Victory’ In Swing-State Arizona | The Daily Caller
Mary Lou Masters

Forbes: Ex-Democratic Sen. Sinema Plans For Significant GOP Support In Expected 
Reelection Bid, Report Says
Sara Dorn 

Daily Beast: Kyrsten Sinema Doesn’t Expect Many Dem Votes During Re-Election Bid: Report
Mark Alfred

Newsmax: Sen. Sinema’s Reelection Plan: Woo Ariz. Republicans
Charlie McCarthy

Raw Story: Ex-Democrat Kyrsten Sinema insists to donors that GOP voters will secure her re-election
Matthew Chapman

Alternet: Sinema ‘path to victory’ prospectus shows plan to court ‘a third’ of Arizona’s Republicans
Elizabeth Preza 

Daily Kos: AZ-Sen: Delusional Kyrsten Sinema (I) Pitches Donors That She Can Still Win By Courting GOP Voters


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